Option Trading College


Subject: The TGIF PAYDAY! and Stimulus-Compounder strategies.

Instructor: The donFranko
Length: 8 Sessions

Last Update: 7/21/2022

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Entry is Key...Exit is Everything! TM

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Session 1 Introducing:



The TGIF-PAYDAY! and Stimulus-Compounder Strategies



I did it!


I figured out the Matrix of trading!!


Join me and start making STAGGERING profits as you learn my proven strategy and begin compounding your contract size into the hundreds and even thousands week-to-week!!!



This amazing strategy requires:


 NO  day trading margin account!—you can start trading with less than $100 and use a "cash account" without the pesky "PDT" rules OR you could open a ROTH IRA and build your retirement account tax free!!!


 NO   more hunting for hours looking for trade opportunities—we only trade once per week!


 NO   more sitting around all day staring at charts—you can even trade this strategy from a smart phone almost anywhere in the world!


 NO   more listening to the boooring talking puppets on CN-Blah-C (that is the BEST part of this strategy!!!)


 NO   more swings in the trading account...we trade 1 time for 1 price and   COLLECT PROFITS!! 


 YES   you will gain the FREEDOM to do what you want when you want because you only make trades on Thursday mornings for the Friday   PAYDAY!!! 


 YES  in as little as 6-12 months, you can be on a PERMANENT VACATION if your TGIF PAYDAY! trades perform even half as good as they have in 2019 YTD!


Ok, what am I all excited about?


It's a discovery of epic profits with practically NO RISK!!!


The BEST part is you can literally start your journey to the land of 7-Figure profitability with as little as $20.00-$50.00!!!!—YES this is NOT a misprint!


For example, if you started this strategy in 2019 with the SPY (buying only 1 contract), then your maximum buy each week is only $20.00 - $75.00 until you have a winning trade. Once that happens, you will start to compound your contact size AFTER each winning week, and if you have a losing week, you simply stay at your compounded rate and wait for a winning trade before you start compounding again.


Here are the YTD results on the SPY if you started this strategy the first week of January 2019:


(updated 8/30/19)



  NOTE:   If you were to increase your contract compound rate to 50% of the accumulated profits from the previous winning trade(s) until you reach a 2,000 contract loads, then based on the year-to-date (YTD) back testing, your trading account could have already grown over $4.5 MILLION in the past 8-months starting with 1 contract for $20.00!


OK, I know...it does look too good to be true, but it's real, and I can prove it with the evidence below.


If you take a leap of faith with me, then in the next 1-2 years, I (and as many of my subscribers as I can help) will have the verified brokerage statements to solidify this strategy is the GAME CHANGER!


As you can see from the back testing, and now live trading results, this strategy rapidly compounds contract loads in just a few week to couple of months; then you continue until you reach your desired contract load (mine is 1,000) and change your financial life!


The big question is, can you actually get filled on thousands of contracts?


The answer is emphatically...YES! and the screenshots presented below are PROOF that it's possible; even probable to grow your contract loads into the multi-thousands; because the SPY has the liquidity, volume and plenty of demand to allow you to buy and sell as many contracts as you want!


This was the top 10 contract volume on the SPY for 8/30/19:



This was the top 10 contract volume on the SPY for 8/23/19:



This was the top 10 contract volume on the SPY for 8/2/19:



This was the top 10 contract volume on the SPY for 7/5/19:




This was the top 10 contract volume on the SPY for 4/18/19.




Keep reading and you will get as excited as I was when I discovered, and now developed this AMAZING strategy into a reliable weekly formula!!!


  NOTE:   As you build your account with the SPY, you can begin to expand your portfolio with stocks like: AMZN, GOOGL, NFLX, TSLA etc.; however, you will most likely need to stop compounding at around 500 contract loads on individual stocks because (in my experience) Market Makers will manipulate the price when you try to buy larger than 100 contract loads, and most Brokers will get very nervous if you do not have the actual capital in your account to cover a potential assignment when your trades are ITM; therefore, they will liquidate you up to 45 minutes before the markets close on expiration Friday's; which could cost you multi-thousands in missed profits because stocks tend to make parabolic moves in the last hour of trading—be sure to check with your Broker to see what their risk management guidelines are before you ramp up to large contract loads on individual stocks; especially when you are trading in a margin account.


Here is the best Broker in my estimation to trade this strategy with:


Get your trading account started with TastyTrade today!
Be sure to apply for a "CASH" account if you have less than $25k and get at least level 2 options approval.
BEST CHOICE for cheapest commissions...They charge just $1.00 per contract to buy (maximum $10.00) and  NO COMMISSIONS TO SELL!!! 
Use the Think or Swim platform.
If you want to trade commission free, you can get a Robin Hood account.
Image result for robinhood trading logo
They will give you 1 share of a stock for free just for signing up.
You will need to get options approval and you are ready to start trading once you fund your account.
  IMPORTANT!    Robinhood will always close out your trades at 12PM PST unless you have the capital to cover any assignment...this can cost you multi-thousands in missed profits once you start to compound into large contract loads; however, if you want those FREE commissions, well, that comes with a price down the road...know what I mean?
Also, I have no idea how they will treat contract loads over 100 on the SPY or any other stock for that matter.
You should contact them to inquire if there are changes or updates to their trade execution policies.

 Session 2 – How you trade the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy   Back to Top


Every trading system that has ever been created has the potential to win...well...sort of. The reason many traders (me included) struggle having consistent success is trying to figure out which stock to trade, and what option strike price to buy.


After all, if you pick the correct stock, but you buy the wrong strike price, then your trade ends up being out-of-the-money (OTM) by expiration and will expire worthless. Even if you pick the right strike price, and only end up at-the-money (ATM), you still expire worthless because you have NO intrinsic value—you MUST be in-the-money (ITM) PLUS the cost of your option to make at least a break even or profit at expiration.


Below is an example of an option chain on a Friday expiration for the SPY.


I know the picture below probably looks very confusing at first glance, but once you understand the layout, it will become easy because every option chain, on any trading platform or brokerage, is laid out pretty much the same was as shown below.


Here are the things you need to concentrate on:


The center columns are the expiration dates and the strike prices.


Left side is always   CALLS   (you expect price to go UP)  and the Right side is always   PUTS   (you expect price to go DOWN).


The ASK is what you pay when you BUY and the BID is what you get when you SELL a trade.



As you can see, there are so many choices...how do you know which STRIKE PRICE has the best opportunity to make a profit by expiration?


In the options trading world, it is said that 90% of all options bought expire worthless; however, according to the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), the actual statistics are more like this:

  • 10% of option contracts are exercised

  • 55%-60% of option contracts are closed out prior to expiration

  • 30%-35% of option contracts expire worthless (out-of-the-money with no intrinsic value)

Not matter what the statistics shown above say, picking the correct stock, and then buying the right strike price is the only way to break through the wall and get on easy street to consistent long-term success.


Entry is Key...Exit is Everything! TM




Are you ready to change your financial and trading life?


Then I am about to reveal the secret to my proven formula, and if you can follow these simple steps below, then you have the potential to reach above and beyond your trading and financial goals in 1-2 years! 



  STEP 1     Back to Top



Each Wednesday evening, after the markets are closed, you look at the CLOSING price of the SPY or any stock you want to do this strategy with.



 STEP 2      Back to Top



When trading the SPY, you will pick the first available strike price, as close to the days closing price, that is either (ATM) or slightly (ITM); however, you can go 1 to 2 strikes (OTM) when trading individual stocks and 2 - 4 strikes (OTM) when trading AMZN because individual stocks will move enough to compensate.


Ok, here is the breakdown:


Wednesday SPY Close = 298.05


The closest ATM or ITM strike is:


298.00 for  PUTS   and the same for   CALLS


 Note:  when the closing price is closer to a half number, then I pick the next whole number that is (ITM) as my strike price.


The reason we do not go (OTM) on the SPY is because it takes approximately 100-120 Dow Jones 30 ($DJI) points to move the SPY 1 point  (a.k.a. 1 handle), and since we are typically looking for a 100-300% ROI on each trade, we need to stay close to the previous day's closing price to achieve our goal. Besides, if you are too far (OTM), it would take an unexpected news story to come along and move the ($DJI) more than the typical range of 100-300 points on a Friday; therefore, since the SPY has a typical move of 1-3 handles day-to-day, we need to be close to the action to hit that minimum DoubleUP! target and keep the compound going.


Here is a large move in the ($DJI)



The SPY moves around 10% +/- in direct correlation to the ($DJI)



When volatility is low and the moves in the ($DJI) are minimal



The SPY will move even lower than a 10% correlation of the ($DJI).



Therefore, if you are trading short-term weekly options (OTM), then your odds of expiring worthless on Friday are very high.


With all that said, I pinpointed the best strike zone to buy based on the back testing, and with the "LIVE" trades for 2019 YTD and the reason that we initially buy (ATM) or (ITM) strikes is because they have proven to be the best potential to make the profit ranges we are seeking when we get a move in our direction.


Sometimes, we will get a news release that can move the ($DJI) over 500 points; which can accelerate the SPY option profits 5-10X+;  but that scenario typically happens maybe once a quarter, so if you are buying options (OTM), then your win ratio is going to be a lot lower which will take you longer to build your contract loads—remember, we are on a 1 - 2 year journey to the land of 7-Figure profitability and are not going to get there on a single trade.


  STEP 3     Back to Top


What is the direction we trade in? –


The next step in the process is to determine our BIAS for the weeks trade and how do you know if you should be buying a  CALL  or  PUT  is the magic question any trader asks. Let me tell you, it is a daunting task to figure out when you start trading... heck, it's even difficult when you have been trading 20+ years like I have.


In fact, the more you try to figure this out, the harder it seems to get because NO ONE KNOWS THE FUTURE— especially in 1-2 days before an expiration


From this day forward, even if you are a seasoned trader like me, I want you to FORGET all you think you know about trading if you want to do the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy, and if you are new trader just beginning, NEVER START down the road of trying to figure out the markets, technical indicators and chart patterns because it becomes a mental mind-trap and nothing but mass confusion that will create loss-after-loss and ultimately analysis paralysis.


Image result for analysis paralysis


The more I studied, the harder I tried and the bigger the losses I experienced. In fact, my most successful trades were the ones I placed and "LET HAPPEN" vs. trying to make them happen!


— the don Franko


What I have also learned in my 20+ years of trading, and literally tens of thousands of trades placed, is no matter what I did, how long and hard I studied and who I listened to (including me, myself, and I), I discovered we basically have a 50/50 chance to be right or wrong with each trade...less commission, spreads, slippage and Murphy's law...lol...then it's more like 40% or lower.


The whole reason I developed this strategy was to make things EASY to follow, take practically NO TIME, and give me consistent wins that I could compound into a MASSIVE success over a short period of time—I wanted to put the odds in my favor and gain that "edge" all traders want!

   Are you ready for the secret to picking the right trading bias?   


Then you MUST learn to apply the "KISS" method!—you know, Keep-It-Simple-Stupid!




It took me many years of ups and a lot more downs than I care to reminisce before I got the (KISS) method firmly planted into my thick skull, and let me tell you, I have learned this lesson the HARD AND EXPENSIVE WAY, so take it from me and ALWAYS make the TREND YOUR FRIEND!


Here is how you determine the "trend" to set your trade BIAS for the week:


We take the first three trading days of the weeks (M-T-W) closing prices and simply follow this rule:






YES! It is as simplistic as it sounds... a no brainer right? Well, sort of, until you try to figure out how much to pay for your option strike price... then things can get more complicated.




  STEP 4     Back to Top


So many prices... too many choices –


Image result for problem solution puzzle


Remember the option chain example I showed you above? Well, here is where you learn the next piece of the TGIF PAYDAY! puzzle... figuring out what price to pay for the option strike you choose. If you try to buy too low, then you won't get filled and miss out on a lot of opportunities, on the other hand, if you pay too much, then you increase the odds of NOT gaining at least a DoubleUP! so you can keep a steady compound building—if too many trades expire worthless, then your compound rate slows down considerably; increasing the time it takes to achieve your trading goals. 


Over the past decade, I have been teaching and trading my Lotto Trade strategies, and although I have had 5 - 6 Figure winning trades posted to this website, I have always struggled to accumulate wealth like the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy will build in 1-2 years!the KEYS to this kingdom are knowing what price to pay and then compounding your way to trading bliss.


Here is what price points I discovered work best:




  NOTE:   When you are fishing for $0.20 at the open, you can increase your contract load based on the target spend of $0.50 to maximize gains if filled and momentum shifts into your direction.


For example:


If your contract load is 10, then you are committed to investing up to $750.00 based on my recommended MAXIMUM buy price of $0.75 per contract; however, when you are trying to get filled for $0.20 at the open, then you can increase the contract load to give you more leverage—I always do the extra contract calculation based on   $0.50  per contract.  


 The Math: $0.50 x 10 = $500 / $0.20 = 25 contracts.


This now gives you more than twice the regular contract load (leverage) to accelerate profits even faster and/or you can now sell half at a DoubleUP! sooner and let the rest ride into Friday's expiration.


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 STEP 5  


Placing the orders –


  NOTE:   All orders are always set as "LIMIT" and the time duration is "Good-Til-Canceled (GTC)" with a target price of $0.50 and a MAXIMUM price of $0.75.


Ok, now we are ready to place the "LIMIT" orders on Wednesday night OR Thursday morning before the markets open at $0.20 and see if we can get filled in the first 5-minutes the markets start trading.


However, if you are not filled at $0.20 in the first 5-minutes, then you adjust your order (and contract size if you increased) to the target LIMIT price of $0.50 until 7:30 AM PST.


If the options are still trading higher than $0.50 at 7:30 AM PST (on Thursday) and under our MAXIMUM of $0.75, then you just "BUY IN" for your full contract load and see what happens on Friday.


Otherwise, if the option price is HIGHER than $0.75, you will set the price at the MAXIMUM, and either leave it on all day, or you can cancel and wait until next week—at this time you should adjust down you contract load down by 50%, and if you DO get filled later on, then you can wait and see how the whole trading day goes. Finally, I would recommend you pay no more than $0.50 by the end of the day if you add more contracts.


   IMPORTANT!       We are not trying to force a trade for the sake of making one—especially when you are just starting out. If the options open up much higher than $0.75 and show no signs of coming back down, then it would be better to cancel the order and wait until next week.


Based on the back testing and live trades YTD, it has been proven to just LET THINGS HAPPEN vs. making them happen.


Sometimes, the pre-market news is so strong, the SPY will open up or down much higher causing the BIAS strike we wanted to buy to also open much higher than our maximum buy price of $0.75 cents.


If this is the case, then you can adjust the strike price 1-2 handles higher for CALLS or lower for PUTS; otherwise, cancel the order and wait until next week.


The main reason we are fishing for that lower price (of $0.20 at the OPEN) is because we are hoping a news story causes a temporary reversal move against our BIAS; giving us a chance to get filled on more contracts; however, negative news can be so compelling overnight, that it will actually drive the SPY price well beyond a minor move in our favor, so you should adjust the strike price based on the pre-market indicated price or just cancel the trade and wait for next week.


If you do get filled after adjusting your initial trade, and the SPY ends up reversing trend, then your trade can end up expiring worthless. This is part of the process sometimes, so you just have to roll with the punches from time-to-time because the wins will erase the losses and the compounding will make you rich!


  NOTE:   If you have enough initial capital and tolerance for a potential drawdown in the beginning, then put in your orders on Wednesday night as GTC for $0.75 and make the spend every week until you connect with a winning trade and start your compounding; however, if you have limited capital to start, then begin with 1 contract for a minimum spend of $0.20 and maximum of  $0.50 - $0.75, then you can start your compounding after a couple winning trades.



Once you have built up your trading capital with profits, then you may want to expand your universe of stocks to apply this strategy to.


Here are a few that I have determined MINIMUM and MAXIMUM buy prices should be:



 STEP  6  


You get filled...now what?

Here is the final step...knowing what to do when you get filled on Thursdays.  Sometimes the momentum is so strong that your trade quickly reaches a DoubleUP! profit on Thursday. When this happens, I strongly suggest you take half your contract load off the table; which will give you have a free roll trade that you can take into Friday—the best part of taking that DoubleUP! is if the trade goes bust on Friday, then you still have all your capital to trade again next week.


 NOTE:   When you are starting with 1 - 2 contracts, and you get filled on Thursday, then you should just let the trade go into Friday all-or-nothing until you are compounding 5-10 contracts, then you can start taking half off at a DoubleUP!, layering multi-expirations and exit prices etc.  


Once the markets start trading on Friday, and your position has continued to go up even more, then trail your stops at another DoubleUP! and let the rest ride into the Friday close for a potential parabolic move; because sometimes, we hook onto a Moby Dick like we had on both the SPY and AMZN on 8/23/19!!$$!!


See more details on taking profits below.







You are going to need both of these in the coming months!!






  IMPORTANT:   Each week, I send out to my monthly subscribers' email alerts of the trading BIAS and strike price I am personally trading; however, you need to be proactive in learning, and then apply this strategy for your own account future, whether I make a trade or not... I would rather teach you how to fish than feed you the fish... know what I mean?


Besides that, once I reach the land of  7-Figure profitability in less than 1-2 years, I am going to be on permanent vacation, so you better get this strategy down because I am not always going to be around every week for you to follow all of my trades ;-)


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 Session 3 Your TGIF PAYDAY! fortune is achieved through the compounding effect – Back to Top


For years, I have been trying to strike-it-rich in the stock markets; although I have had some big winning trades, they have not been consistent enough to accumulate the wealth I have longed for.


Now that I have shown you a proven path to the land of 7-Figure profitability, the journey to get there can be as soon as 6–months to a couple of years depending on how many initial contracts you start with and the compound rate you choose.


  NOTE:   Any compound rate you choose will ultimately get you to your goal; however, the time it takes can vary quite a bit.


Based on the YTD back testing and now LIVE trades, your Journey to 7-Figures can work like this:



The KEY to this strategy is being consistent when you increase your contract loads, and the BEST place to grow them to larger than 500 is trading the SPY, because there is practically no limit on how many contracts you can buy!


I know, by now you are thinking this strategy can't possibly grow this fast or make this much starting with so little. Yes, it seemed hard to believe myself... and I created the strategy.  However, the reason this is the GAME CHANGER is due to the incredible average win ratio of 70-80%—MIND BLOWING!!



When you begin your journey, you need to consider your tolerance to initial draw down, and once you start connecting with a couple winning trades, then you will decide what COMPOUND RATE you want to use to accelerate your profits.


Many years ago, I wrote about COMPOUNDING and CONTROLLING LOSSES in my FREE TRAINING section—you should definitely read BOTH of them too because I was onto something back then (pre-weekly options), but just could not get the continuous success I was looking for UNTIL NOW!!


Session 4 Tweaks  Back to Top


This strategy is exciting, and if you stick to the basics first, then the compounding alone will get you to the land of 7-Figure profitability in 1-2 years time; however, I know many traders (me included) like to get in on as much action as we can; however, you need extra capital for these tweaks, so be patient and build your account with what I have taught you, and then you can start to implement the following:


 1.  If there is an SGB and/or SGB ZONE on the daily chart, then I like to buy some   ATM PUTS   on Wednesday BEFORE the close—even if the trend is set up for  CALLS  that week.


There is always the probability news will hit the markets on Thur or Friday and cause a stampede all day, and on Friday's before the markets open, I like to put in wild card White Whale fishing order 4 and 5 strikes OTM for $0.05 all-or-nothing because sometimes you get moves like this:



Note: if you are applying this strategy to individual stocks, then you could apply the Lotto Trade formula and buy  PUTS  up to 3% OTM since stocks typically move 3%–10% down on a Friday when bad news hits—review the Hitting Options Lotto in the members training section.


 2.  It has been said that a rising tide lifts all ships....


When we are fishing for the ATM or ITM strikes on Thursday mornings, we want a little volatility at the open in the opposite direction of our BIAS so we can get a cheap $0.20 fill; however, when the news in pre-market is more like a tsunami, the tide is going to lift all strikes much higher; and the strike price we were trying to buy will end up being too far OTM by the open...even if we get filled for $0.20. If that is the case, then I will LOWER my contract load vs. adding more; and also add an additional strike that is ATM or ITM of the pre-market highs, but now my MAXIMUM SPEND IS $0.50 with 50% or less of my contract load. Once the action calms down, then I will consider adjusting my strikes again if the SPY is continuing to trend against my BIAS—never paying more than $0.50


 3.  After you have profits built up, and your contract loads are in the 50's+, then you could layer more strike prices to increase your odds of connecting with winning trades; or you can even start to buy in on Wednesday before the close (no more than 10% of your contract load) in case there is a positive news story that hits before the Thursday open.


 4.   Once you are at 100+ contracts, you may want to start hedging your plays and buy up to 10% of your contract loads in the opposite direction on Wednesday before the close. That way, if an unexpected negative news story hits, you are slightly hedged against any orders that get filled on the Thursday open and do not make profits. In addition to that, you should buy some Monday or Tuesday expiration cycles to increase your profits if the negative or positive momentum continues after the weekend.


 5.   Starting the process a day early can increase your profits; however, when starting out, I suggest you stick to the  proven KISS method of this strategy; however, sometimes you just want to get your ROCK on and party every day, so starting on Wednesday morning with small contract loads and/or just buying in before the close in the direction of the BIAS can get you rocking and rolling faster...ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE CAPITAL OR PROFITS BUILT UP FIRST.




Session 5   Taking Profits   Back to Top


The challenge here is when do you take profits?  The answer is, that's up to you, but you can work this strategy to many advantages as you build profits and contract size.


For example, you can start with 3 contract loads and put in GTC orders to sell 2 at a Double-UP!; then you have a free ride on the last one; or you can start with 5 contract loads and place GTC orders to sell 3 for a Double-UP!; then 1 more at a Triple-UP!; and the final one you just hold into the Friday close and see if the options go parabolic!.

So far, I have determined this strategy makes and average of 100-300% profits on a consistent basis.


Needless to say, there are several ways to work your trades; however, sticking to the KISS method in the beginning is practically guaranteed to make you consistent profits over the next couple of months; then you will be well on your way to a 6 or even 7 figure trading account in 1-2 years or less!!!


There are no doubt going to be some exciting opportunities as you grow your contracts loads and profits, but the number one thing to remember here is:   Pigs get fat and Hogs get SLAUGHTERED!  


That being said, you have to be disciplined in how you compound your contract size. The best way to achieve the initial goal of 100 contract loads is adding more contracts at a consistent compound rate AFTER winning trades.


The best part of this strategy is buying in at a FIXED price every week; therefore, we will never be "crushed" by a single losing trade...heck...at the win rate we have seen so far, it would take multiple losing trades over several weeks to impact the profits from the winning trades—and in my experience, that is just not going to happen because we are ALWAYS trading with our "friend... the trend" and catching the wave of the weeks momentum!


Session 6 The results  Back to Top


Try not to get too excited as you continue to review these stats and charts below.


Yes, I took some liberty on the selling price from 1/3/19 – 4/11/19 since I already had the end of week results; however, all these STRIKE and BUY prices were based on the TGIF PAYDAY! formula, and from 4/18/19, I started trading the strategy this strategy in LIVE accounts, so those Buy/Sell  strikes and prices shown are the actual trades I made in the Model Portfolio and also in my real money accounts.


As you can see, EVERY winning trade was (at the minimum) a DoubleUP! opportunity, and there is no doubt in my mind that anyone could have captured at least 50% of the high's in the charts shown below.


The bottom line is if you consistently make at least a DoubleUP!, you are well on your way to a 7–Figure trading account in 1–2 years or sooner depending on what compound rate you choose.


I created this spreadsheet to help me calculate and keep track of the TGIF PAYDAY! trades compound rate and if you want a copy of it email me at: TGIFtracker@optionradio.com


LAST UPDATE: 8/25/19


Buy 1 SPY contract each week.



Buy add 1 SPY Contract after each winning trade.   Back to Top




ADD 1 SPY Contract with each new week regardless of getting filled or not.   Back to Top




There are many ways to compound your contract size, and the fast–track with this strategy is to take 50% of the accumulated profits from each winning week if you want rapid growth—it only takes a few winning weeks to exponentially grow into multi-hundreds and then multi-thousand contract loads!


Here is the profit potential in the past 8-Months starting with $20.00 and

stopping the compound at 2,000 contracts—AMAZING YOU ARE A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE!!!


We started LIVE TRADES on 4/18/19   Back to Top



And finally, here are the YTD results of the "LIVE" trades:



These are past results YTD, but you can see the POWER that compounding can have if you stick to the plan, consistently compound, and build your contract size with profits!!!


Below are the actual option charts showing you the strategy works and you would have been filled!



2019 - Week 1 –   250 CALLS    –   FILLED   – Expired on 1/4/19  Back to Top



2019 - Week 2 –    258 CALLS   –    NO FILLS   – Expired on 1/11/19




2019 - Week 3 –   262 CALLS    –   FILLED   –  Expired on 1/18/19    JACKPOT! 




2019 - Week 4 –   264 CALLS    –   FILLED   –  Expired on 1/25/19   Back to Top




2019 - Week 5 –   270 CALLS    –   FILLED   –  Expired on 2/01/19

Back to Top





2019 - Week 6 –   272 CALLS    –   FILLED   – Expired on 2/08/19





2019 - Week 7 –   275 CALLS    –   FILLED   – Expired on 2/15/19





2019 - Week 8 –   278 CALLS    –    FILLED   – Expired on 2/22/19

Back to Top




2019 - Week 9  –    280 PUTS   –    NO FILLS    – Expired on 3/1/19




2019 - Week 10 –   277 PUTS   –    NO FILLS   – Expired on 3/08/19   Back to Top





2019 - Week 11 –   281 CALLS    –    FILLED   – Expired on 3/15/19





2019 - Week 12  –   284 CALLS   –   FILLED   – Expired on 3/14/19

Back to Top 




2019 - Week 13 –   281 CALLS    –   FILLED   – Expired on 3/29/19




2019 - Week 14 –   287 CALLS    –   FILLED   – Expired on 4/05/19   Back to Top




2019 - Week 15 –   288 CALLS  –   FILLED   – Expired on 4/12/19





2019 - Week 16 (1st LIVE Trade)   289.50 PUTS   –   FILLED   – Expired on 4/19/19   Back to Top






2019 - Week 17 (2nd LIVE Trade)   292 CALLS   –   FILLED   – Expired on 4/26/19

Back to Top 




2019 - Week 18 (3rd LIVE Trade)   292 CALLS   –   FILLED   – Expired on 5/3/19




2019 - Week 19  (4th LIVE Trade)   288 PUTS   –     NO FILLS    – Expired on 5/10/19   Back to Top




2019 - Week 20  (5th LIVE Trade)  285 CALLS   –     NO FILLS    – Expired on 5/17/19





2019 - Week 21  (6th LIVE Trade) –  285 PUTS   –     NO FILLS    – Expired on 5/24/19






2019 - Week 22  (7th LIVE Trade) –  278 PUTS      FILLED   – Expired on 5/31/19   Back to Top





2019 - Week 23  (8th LIVE Trade) –  284 CALLS      FILLED   – Expired on 6/7/19

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2019 - Week 24  (9th LIVE Trade) –  287 PUTS      LOSS   – Expired on 6/14/19  Back to Top





2019 - Week 25  (10th LIVE Trade) –  295 CALLS      DoubleUP! THUR   – Expired on 6/21/19






2019 - Week 26  (11th LIVE Trade) –   290 PUTS      LOSS   – Expired on 6/28/19   Back to Top




2019 - Week 27 (12th LIVE Trade) –  297 CALLS      NO FILLS   – Expired on 7/5/19

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2019 - Week 28 (13th LIVE Trade) –  299.50 CALLS    –    FILLED   – Expired on 7/5/19




2019 - Week 29  (14th LIVE Trade) –   297 PUTS      LOSS   – Expired on 7/19/19   Back to Top





2019 - Week 30  (15th LIVE (2) Trades) –   300 CALLS      FILLED   – Expired on 7/26/19







2019 - Week 32  (16th LIVE Trade) –   297.50 PUTS      FILLED  JACKPOT!   – Expired on 8/2/19

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2019 - Week 33  (17th LIVE Trade) –   288 CALLS     NO FILLS    – Expired on 8/9/19




2019 - Week 34  (18th LIVE Trade) –   288 CALLS     NO FILLS    – Expired on 8/16/19




2019 - Week 35  (19th LIVE Trade) –   293 CALLS   –  – Expired on 8/23/19




2019 - Week 35  (19th LIVE Trade) –   292 PUTS   –   – Expired on 8/30/19   Back to Top








Here is the 2019 YTD Daily Chart:




Here is the 2019 YTD weekly chart:   Back to Top






Session 7 – Increasing your universe    Back to Top


Once you start growing your account trading the SPY, then you can add more stocks with this strategy.


My favorite one to trade in is AMZN because it has shown me it has the ability to get me to 7-Figures in less than 1 year; however, it takes a larger capital commitment until you connect with a couple winning trades.






Here are some of my favorite stocks I applied the strategy to, and the results are very strong too.















Once you start applying this strategy to the larger stocks, and build contract size to 50+, you can literally  wake up to 6-figure winners on stocks like AMZN, TSLA, NFLX, GOOGL, because when they move on Fridays, they can easily move over 20 points at the open when news hits!!


50 contracts = 5,000 shares x $20.00 move = $100,000.00!


On 8/23/19 a 50 contract load on AMZN would have produced a guaranteed $338,000 JACKPOT!







I hope this training module helps you achieve your trading goals and the best of trading success for you as you take the journey with me to the land of 7-Figure profitability!



The donFranko 


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Got questions? Email me frank@optionradio.com



 Session 8 – Increasing your TGIF-PAYDAY universe with the:




   FRIDAY 5/1/20 1:30 AM PST -    


I have back tested what I think will be a VERY POWERFUL strategy that will give us a high probability of making some substantial gains during this COVID-19 crisis volatility.


In the past few weeks, I have been attempting to catch Lotto Trades and working GOLD trades with little success because the volatility has been so high and I believe the FED is MANIPULATING Gold—keeping it from making a parabolic move for the time being.


With all this volatility, we just cannot get the "cheap" options, and that has kept us from doing the TGIF PAYDAY! Trades at this time :-(.


Well, my trading friends, I think we are going to be back in the game with the new: STIMULUS–COMPOUNDER Strategy!


I have back tested this for the past 6-weeks, and I have pinpointed the "sweet-spot" trade setup I believe we can exploit!


Here are what the results have been so far:



I applied the compound rate of 50% and the MAXIMUM SPEND of $3.00 per contract to get these AMAZING results!—I even lowered the sold price from the high shown below...wow!


NOTE: Once you start compounding, you should ALWAYS take half of at a DoubleUP! and then follow the rest with trailing stops—YOU DO NOT need to hit the top...just let the compounding work for you and profits will explode!


Here is what the weekly SPY chart looks like:



I picked strike prices up to 5 handles higher than Friday's closing price and below are the actual option charts:






Here is what the VIX has been up to since COVID broke out:




Now that the SPY has gained back nearly 55% of the COVID crash, we could see one more thrust higher as states begin opening up starting today.


If we have indeed flattened the infection curve, and no more jumps in cases arise as we emerge from our homes, then the markets should continue higher; even taking out ALL of the sell off; however, if there is a sudden spike in infections etc., and we have to return to shelter-in-place again, I would anticipate an implosion of all this rebound; therefore, I plan to put in orders for both PUTS and CALLS each week so I can catch the next $$$$ wave!





















The plan is to wait until 12:30 PM PST on FRIDAYS and look for PUTS and CALL strikes that are $3.00, but NO MORE THAN 5 handles higher/lower than the current price on the SPY.


If I can get that strike range for $3.00 or lower, then I will buy in and lay orders for $2.00 and also $1.00 GTC.


If there are none available, then I will pick the strike that is 5 handles higher/lower and put in the GTC orders for $2 and $1 and see what happens on Monday.


   IMPORTANT:   The expiration is always the Monday 11 days in the future.



Here is an example of what the orders look like:






These orders are not canceled until the following Wednesday; and if I get filled at $3.00 before that; I will still keep my lower priced orders in place; however, if you have a small account, then you can just start with 1 contract at the MAX of $3.00, and once you get a winning trade locked up, then you start to compound and hopefully we get similar results in the next 6-8 weeks with this strategy that we have seen in the past 6 weeks with the TGIF PAYDAY! strategy.



UPDATES as of 7-12-22


WOW this strategy has been a massive winner if you trade it like a robot, place your orders every Friday and take your 100%ROI profits in the beginning and once the compounding starts, you layer your exits to catch the parabolic moves and you can get RICH in less than a year!!!




Study this training, start your account, and begin trading with as little as $300.00 for your first trades.




Profits UP!




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